Reyd Dupuis-Smith - Researcher-in-Residence

Reyd Dupuis-Smith


Reyd is a bird nerd who has been researching environmental contaminants and food webs in the Arctic for over five years.

Originally from the Canadian prairies without an ocean in sight, Reyd is passionate about seabirds and supporting Indigenous-led conservation initiatives in the Canadian north.

Her love for birds was sparked by an ornithology course during her undergraduate degree at the University of Manitoba, where she researched purple martin migration timing in relation to artificial light exposure. Following this, she obtained her master’s degree at the University of Windsor with a thesis focused on common eider breeding behaviour in Nunavut, as well as foraging ecology in relation to mercury exposure at common eider colonies across the circumpolar Arctic.

She is a PhD Candidate at Carleton University with Environment and Climate Change Canada in Ottawa, Ontario. Her thesis is focused on seabirds, oil pollution, and food web dynamics in close collaboration with the Nunatsiavut Government.

Back in Ottawa, Reyd spends her time trying to tire out her two hounds, Sora and Caspian, and tending to her forty-plus houseplants.