Despite having grown up near Point Pelee, one of Canada’s best-known migration sites, Judith first discovered birds while leading canoe trips for a nature NGO. That led to 5 years working on citizen science projects to map bird distribution in Ontario and the Maritimes. Canada’s north cast a spell on her during a 7-week canoe trip on the Kazan River with Operation Raleigh; two trips on the Thelon River followed in quick succession.
Judith was lucky to spend nearly 30 years as a Bird Conservation Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service. She connected science to conservation action by creating comprehensive plans and by nurturing partnerships. Her work addressed broad-scale conservation throughout Canada as well as the western hemisphere. Delightful interludes allowed her to focus on the Canada Warbler, and to band geese on Baffin Island and songbirds in Cuba.
Judith retired from CWS in 2018 and is looking for new ways to pursue her passion for conservation and trying to fill the many shocking holes in her knowledge of the world. When at home in Ottawa she enjoys arguing with her husband Peter Croal as to whether birds or rocks are more important, and cheering on their daughter from the sidelines.