Alana Davis - Naturalist, Expedition Team

Alana Davis

Naturalist, Expedition Team

Alana is a naturalist and expert at drawing others into mindful engagement with the world around them.

Alana is an Alaskan guide and naturalist with a passion for exploration. As an expedition guide, protected species observer and marine mammal specialist she spends nearly every day in the waters of southeast Alaska where she resides year-round. She is most content providing interpretation at sea amongst humpback whales and can often be found paddling out to the glacier in her home on Aak’w Kwaan aani.

Her love for the water is only rivalled by her enthusiasm for Bruin. Sharing seasonal daily encounters with the black and brown bears of Alaska naturally led to further work with the white variety. Alana has worked within wildlife film expeditions both on the tundra as a polar bear guard/guide and at sea on the Inside Passage.

During the past three challenging years, as a private guide and by livestreaming tours, Alana continued to provide adventure and educational interpretation as a content creator—"The Dirty Explorer.”

Feel free to ask Alana about running sled dogs in sub-zero temps in the shadow of Denali, sliding down icebergs, discovering ice caves, foraging for campfire meals, bowling with bears, or to simply learn where the best wild berries spots are.

Alana seeks to draw you into the bounty of experience the great North has to offer as her playful sense of adventure will forever lead the way. Advice to new adventurers? “Come and be still. Listen to the land and to what its people have to teach you."