Natalia has seventeen years of experience facilitating and designing thought-provoking interactions between visitors and Costa Rica´s cultural and natural heritage. She is an avid traveller who enjoys the quietness of the forest and the restorative energy of the ocean.
She is passionate about science communication, and her experience as a naturalist guide, university professor, and environmental consultant, has given her a systemic understanding of the world around her. Her life’s mission is to inspire a transformation in the way humans relate with nature and to provide win-win situations for the natural and cultural communities, and the visitors.
Some of her work as an environmental consultant includes marine ecology, public use planning, using digital imagery and geographic information systems to assess marine ecosystems, initiatives to cut the use of plastic in the tourism industry, and corporate team building. She’s been at the University of Costa Rica since 2012 teaching young biologists and new generations who are interested in learning about the current environmental challenges.
Natalia is the happiest near the water. In her free time, she enjoys stimulating conversations, reading, listening to podcasts, yoga, meditation, diving, and swimming.