Monique is a wildlife crime and security specialist who merges her hands-on experience in crime analysis and prevention with field conservation efforts around the world. Monique focuses on integrating academic insights into practical field operations to ensure they are evidence-based and optimally effective. She has received grants for her work from the US Department of State, PEW Charitable Trusts, the National Science Foundation, and has been recognized by the by the UN as a UNODC’s Education for Justice Initiative awardee and as a UN Youth Representative.
Born and raised in Chicago, Monique moved to the UK to pursue her Master of Science in Global Wildlife Health and Conservation before moving to New York City to complete her PhD in Criminal Justice, specializing in the assessment of wildlife crime and its prevention. Today, she is based in New York and is starting as a tenure-track professor at SUNY Farmingdale.
Monique joins Adventure Canada as a representative of The Explorers Club. Her work on board will focus on investigating wildlife trade and use in the High Arctic region. When she isn’t exploring wildlife issues, Monique loves doing yoga, going on adventures with her dog and partner, and being active.