Matthew James, fondly known as MJ, is an adventure-loving explorer who has dedicated his life to seeking out the most remote and awe-inspiring corners of the globe. Guided by his love for nature, MJ has made it his mission to ensure that every guest on his expeditions experiences the trip of a lifetime.
Over the past two decades, MJ has accumulated an impressive repertoire of expeditions under his belt, having led over sixty trips around the world. As an expedition leader, MJ prioritizes the safety and well-being of his guests above all else. His favourite destinations are the polar regions, and he has successfully led countless trips to the Arctic and Antarctic, sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with travellers from all walks of life.
Whether he's serving as a host, guiding from the helm of a Zodiac, or leading his team, MJ brings his love for the wild to every aspect of the expedition cruise experience. With his unwavering commitment to exploration, connection, and the preservation of the natural world, guests can rest assured that they are in the most capable and passionate of hands when journeying with Matthew James.