Krista’s up-bringing in the backcountry of Northern Ontario helped develop a philosophy that outdoor experiential learning leads to inspired growth and positive change. Her primary focus as a naturalist is to provide opportunities for people to make lasting connections with the environment that enlighten, provoke, and inspire critical thinking about ourselves and our planet.
After completing a Master of Science in Biology, Krista began developing her own field-based courses for natural history and ecology. Currently, Krista splits her time between teaching future naturalist guides on the west coast of Vancouver Island, running women’s-focused outdoor leadership courses, and naturalist guiding throughout British Columbia and Nunavut.
When she is not working, Krista is always looking for ways to explore the wilds and learn about the ecology of our world. Her favourite modes of transport include sailing, cold water diving, rock climbing, and hiking, all fuelled by the ethos of H.D. Thoreau, “It’s not what you look at but what you see”.