Anne Marie Rogers - Cultural Educator

Anne Marie Rogers

Cultural Educator

Anne Marie is a native Irish speaker from Tory Island. She works as a rural development consultant and an independent television producer specializing in documentaries.

Join Anne Marie Rogers on the following trips:

Anne Marie Rodgers is a native of Tory Island, nine miles off the North West coast of Country Donegal in Ireland.

Tory is a Gaeilge-speaking Island and is part of the official geographical area known as the “Gaeltacht” which means Irish-speaking area. Tory has a population of 140 and the community is very close-knit and family oriented.

Anne Marie is a community development worker specializing in rural development and sustainable tourism development. She has qualifications in sustainable tourism and rural development from the National University of Ireland, Galway.

She has many years of experience in the area both as a government agency worker and as an advocate for community groups and community projects in rural areas, specifically supporting their efforts to create employment and provide goods and services.

Anne Marie is also an independent television producer and has produced a number of award-winning factual documentaries for TG4 (the Gaeilge language channel) BBC NI, and others. At least one of which you may have the opportunity to see on your voyage!

While not working, Anne Marie loves to walk the many beautiful beaches where she lives, practicing her guitar and travelling.

Ag súil go mór le castal leat!