Gift Shop Sales

Please use this form to submit merchandise to sell on board the Ocean Endeavour gift shop.

Please make sure you have reviewed our new 2022 Gift Shop guidelines and FAQ documents before using this form.

Which trip(s) are you joining us for?

Please select all that apply to you.

Please give a brief description of the merchandise you're bringing on board. If you're bringing more than one merchandise item that will have a different price and require a separate label, use the additional boxes below to list these separately. If you are bringing more than five merchandise items, please use more than one Gift Shop Sales form.

How many items are you bringing on board?

When pricing your item, remember that there is no sales tax and Adventure Canada will take a 15% commission. Please only list the price in numerals; do not use a $ or other symbols.

Please let us know any additional important details.

I agree to the following: *