Originally from La Belle Province, Jassin lives a life of peace and adventure in the land of the midnight sun. A knowledgeable outdoorsman, he’s always up for an escapade around the word. Twenty years of travelling the Nordic landscape by most means available led him to sail the Northwest passage as a member of the Adventure Canada expedition team.
In other seasons, Jassin also works as an independent drone operator and cameraman on various film projects. He specializes in the great outdoors and recently took to the savannas of South Africa and Mozambique, filming a Big Cat initiative project for National Geographic. Last year, he travelled across Canada and up the ice road to Tuktoyaktuk for some award-winning documentaries.
To relax, Jassin enjoys yoga, guitar, and foraging for wild food. His curiosity for life leads him across an array of interests, studies, and work—including psychology, forestry, nursing, and navigating the remote rivers of British Colombia, Yukon, and Alaska.
Jassin is delighted to be part of the amazing team of Adventure Canada. Feeding his journey from passion for life and nature, he makes sharing and learning an endeavour.