Iraitz Agirre Aranguren - Anthropologist, Gender Consultant, Basque Cultural Educator, Musician

Iraitz Agirre Aranguren

Anthropologist, Gender Consultant, Basque Cultural Educator, Musician

Iraitz Agirre Aranguren is a Basque anthropologist who has been to Newfoundland and Labrador several times. She is interested in the history, cultures, and relations between both territories.

With degrees in social and cultural anthropology, Iraitz is involved in projects related to Basque social sciences and humanities. She completed several higher degrees dealing with equality between men and women and cultural management on a European level, including a Master of Arts in Euroculture.

Iraitz participates in and works on several important community projects, including the promotion of Euskera (the Basque language) and Basque culture. In collaboration with the Amina Anthropological Resources Association and the Aranzadi Science Society, she studies issues related to shared heritage between Basque country and Newfoundland and Labrador, including participating in archaeological excavations and presenting a work on the place of Newfoundland in Basque Literature. She also promotes equality in women's associations and as a gender consultant for the firm Emun and the Cooperative for Social Transformation.

Since 2015 Iraitz has collaborated as an interpreter for the Basque National TV program Ahoz Aho, and she also writes an opinion column in the Basque national newspaper Berria. She loves all expressions of art, culture, and playing music.