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Regeneration Canada

A Montreal-based nonprofit with a nation-wide focus, Regeneration Canada focuses on education, advocacy and network building, in order to inform, mobilize and connect the human ecosystem that impacts soils.

Why Soil? Regeneration Canada considers soil regeneration to be the least-known, most promising solution to climate change, on top of being a key to solving food, water and health crises. Absorbing atmospheric carbon in living soil regenerates soil health and reverses climate change, restores fertility and ecosystem biodiversity. Healthy soils grow more nutrient-dense foods, hold more water, providing health benefits to humans and more resiliency to climatic variations.

We all have a connection to land management. Regeneration Canada aims to bring together stakeholders - from farmers to scientists, agronomists to nonprofits, businesses to policy makers, chefs to citizens and more – to encourage ownership of their role in regenerating soil health. Its membership gathers organizations and individuals who contribute to regenerating soils, and facilitates knowledge exchange between peers. Regeneration Canada is the host of the Living Soils Symposium, an international event that brings together hundreds of participants to discuss the multiple facets of soil health.